AWP 2012

Contributors, future contributors, potential contributors and Best Poem friends, if you are planning to attend this year’s AWP Conference in Chicago, please consider stopping by to see a panel discussion I’m moderating on long poems and sequences.  I’d love to meet you.  Here’s the info and event description.

The Care & Feeding of Long Poems

(Adam Penna, Matthew Zapruder, Kathleen Graber, Adam Day, Julie Sheehan)

Saturday, March 3rd, 2012 at 1:30 PM

Empire Ballroom, Palmer House Hilton, Lobby Level

Pound said he couldn’t make his long poem cohere, and Berryman claimed the only happy people in the world were those who didn’t have to write long poems. In this panel, five poets discuss the challenges of conceiving, beginning, completing, and publishing longer poetic works. Panelists address their influences; define what makes a long poem a long poem; consider the advantages and disadvantages of writing longer works; and discuss the future of the form.

And don’t forget to check back here on March 1st to read a new Best Poem poem by Dawn Potter.